Pastor David Cajiuat
On February 8, 2015, Anchor Baptist Church voted unanimously to call Pastor David Cajiuat (Ka-hee-watt) to be the next under-shepherd beginning March 28, 2015. Pastor David was born in Baguio, Philippines and was raised in Oxnard, CA. He was saved in Italy at Camp Darby while serving in the United States Air Force. After marrying Charlotte (Samuelson) and returning to California, he answered the call to full time Christian service and enrolled in Ambassador Baptist College, where he received his undergraduate and graduate degrees. Pastor David and his wife, Charlotte, consider it a privilege to be called by God to serve at Anchor Baptist Church to serve the communities of San Diego, CA. They have raised three children, Joshua, Rebekah (Good), and Caleb, who are faithfully serving the Lord.
You can reach Pastor David by phone at 619.804.3413 or by email at